Friday, July 23, 2010

Mal de Mer...sea sickness

Overcoming SeaSickness Need Not Require an Exorcist

Many people suffer from motion sickness. I suffer from it when sailing on small boats. There are few things in life that I have experienced that are worse than motion sickness. I once went sailing for 4-hours on a 40’ yacht off of San Diego during clear seas and I was as green as Linda Blair in the Exorcist, exhibiting many of the same symptoms as she did, sans demon. I spent 3 of those hours praying for a quick death.

You may ask yourself why someone who suffers intense motion sickness is an avid Cruise Enthusiast. The simple answer is that I rarely suffer any motion sickness on board a cruise ship. And I’ve never experienced any mal de mer, or seasickness, that couldn’t be cured by popping a Dramamine (an over-the-counter remedy for motion sickness). I’ve been on a cruise ship off of Baja California in Mexico in 25’ swells and didn’t feel any motion sickness.

Cruise ships can help control the roll and pitch, the motion that causes seasickness, by using stabilizers. Stabilizers are ingenious devices that are composed of two small underwater fins on the sides of the ship that interrupt the sea’s natural flow around the ship which normally causes it to pitch and roll (move side to side). They literally stabilize the ship and make it much easier for passengers to enjoy a vomit free cruise experience. Even with stabilizers most passengers still feel a little bit of motion, but it is the fun kind of motion that you go “Oh gurl, I just felt the earth move” and order another round at the Martini Bar.

If you do experience the “Mal” on board there are several remedies that will help settle your ailment. Simple remedies include lying down, keeping your eye focused on the horizon, get fresh air, avoid strong odors like cigars, perfume or garlic, avoid alcohol and caffine. If these don't help then you have additional options.


- Dramamine, Antivert and Bonine are over-the-counter pill remedies that can be bought at any drugstore or provided by your room steward. May cause drowsiness. Ask your physician or pharmacist if it is alright to use if you are taking prescription medications

- Transderm Scop "The Patch” is a small circular patch that you wear behind your ear that delivers scopolamine, an anti-motion sickness drug, into your system. Each patch lasts 3-days. Side effects can include dry mouth and blurred vision

- Vitamin C at doses of 3000mg to 5000mg (3-5 grams) taken on the onset of nausea can immediately settle your stomach. The brain makes histamine that causes motion sickness. Vitamin C can effectively cut the production of the histamine

Homeopathic Remedies:

- Ginger Ale and saltine crackers are a great way to help settle nausea caused by motion sickness

- Bitters, a drink your bartender can prepare, is a remedy sailors have been using for years

- Wrist Acupressure Bracelettes can be purchased at most pharmacies and onboard. Brands include Bioband, Seaband, or the Oprah Magazine's favorite Psi Bands. These are very popular but must be worn correctly on the pressure point for them to be effective.

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